Sunday, November 1, 2009
What are my goals for the future?
Posted by Abram at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
September 4th
I have learned so ma

Posted by Abram at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Four Months of Happiness
Today, 8/19/09, has taken a meaning on that it has never meant before. Approximately 5 months ago something terribly right happen in my life. While squandering through life, passing to and fro, stop and go, something came across my path that I had never had come across before. It was, and is, quite a different life since 'that' passed by me. Many times in my life when certain goods cross my path, I tend to keep pacing along. As time goes by I perceive that I made a mistake, big or small, that I should have turned around for a brief moment to seize that which passed by. After years and years of 'passers' I have finally learned me lesson to not let everything just go by without a fight. I was not expecting her to pass by at this particular time in my life, in fact, I did not anticipate that it would ever happen. Though I was, and am, not prepared for this I knew I could not let her go away without me. I knew after one look that it was over and she was mine. So for the past four months as of today, Ms. Valerie Soto has been by my side walking with me, grabbing and turning for only the necessities that we need to make our relationship grow and progress. We are not perfect, well she is, and we have, at times, had to face hardships that would seem impossible at only four months of courtship. Nevertheless, it came to pass that that we fight for our homogeneity and did press forward striving to keep Christ as our center and focus of the relationship. I cannot mention ALL the things that Valeria, jaja, has done for me. I would like to mention a few so that she knows that she has made a Hercules difference in my life, now see if you can figure what I actually mean by Hercules. As well, I mention it so that if she ever feels like she has done nothing of virtue in my life, it can be a gift of support and growth for her. Valerie has accompanied me through my very tough times and has never lost faith or trust in me, as far as I know. She has endured well my weaknesses and imperfections, and has exhorted me to change for me the best. Her faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, kindness have led my life into who I am trying to become. Her love has always been there for me no matter the circumstance, especially that night I got lost trying to find her. Valerie is guiding my path to learning Nicaraguan Spanish. She has attended to my lack of faith and testimony through her amazing Spirit. Valerie has sculptured my confidence, empowered my courage, and molded my spirit. I was not lying when I said I would only mention a few. These are nothing compared to what see has fully done for my life within the past four months. She means everything to me and hope that our goals and dreams will not be crushed by my stupidity and imperfections. I wish her to know that I love her and care about her from head to toe. I would give anything to be the man she actually thinks I am. I guess I am just so much cooler online eh? From the innermost part of my spirit, I thank you and love you Valerie. I only hope and pray that I can do for her what she has done for me and then some.
Posted by Abram at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Beginning

In this world there are times when we are alone and have none to rely upon, at others there are those that God puts into our lives to be an help meet, or a friend, or even an influential spokesman. Many of us must endure one of the hardest parts of life, loneliness. Even the greatest of us all, Christ the Lord, has had to feel loneliness, not only of man but of God himself just so he would know "according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities". We wonder why so many things happen to us in this life that put our faith and beliefs on the line, many of us ask why God allows 'ME' to suffer so much if He loves so. We go through live, at times, without Him when things are going great and give no gratitude no great thanks to Whom it belongs and then when something goes bad we are quick to turn more so against the Lord. We shortly realize why this Earth was even created. Man fell that the purposes of God might be fulfilled.
All who come into this life are not meant to be alone or desolate. We yearn for a belonging and a purpose of life. Many search and find things that temporarily fill but do not satisfy nor stay and must be repeated to fill the hole, which only seems to get bigger with every refill. We go through side streets, corners, red lights, and secret passages only to find the end result left us further away from our destination then where we started.
I am an example of one of these people indicated above. I took many paths in a orchard only to find myself in the jungle of a rain forest. I have struggled to find my place, my way, my purpose. I found myself alone, lost, never to find... but in the end, I was found by the findings of another.... "an help meet" if you will.
In this Genesis of my life, I took a great beating from the many ineptitude's of agency. I made what I thought, at the time, was the way for me to go. A way that only led to much distress, fear, hatred, and... inevitable forlornness.
In March of 2009, ALL this changed by the companionship of the best girl I have ever met, Valerie Natalia Soto. A woman I never thought possible to come into a life like mine. Within only a few months of courtship, she has helped me change who I am more than anything, save the Gospel of Jesus Christ, else on this earth. She and the Lord have molded me into who I am at this time, and I know will continue to mold and alchemy. Had it not been for the true grace of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His Church this fantastic woman would never have come into my life. I owe my Saviour everything for His Atonement, life, and ministry. Thanks be to God for His mercy in giving me Valerie. I also owe my everything to Valerie for all she has already done for me. There are many things I could say and brag about her, which I will do in another post, but to summarize everything in a few simple but most heart felt words are these: "Thank You".
Posted by Abram at 6:47 PM 2 comments